
Showing posts from January, 2024

Finished Brass Knuckles

I completed the brass knuckles, it took two attempts at printing and about a 3 hour wait time for the print to complete. It wasn't too difficult to remove the stability trees and I then painted them so I could gift them to a friend. I used black for the base rings and then silver, plus this kind of glittery/shiny clear paint for whatever the pyramid things on brass knuckles are called.

3D Printing Brass Knuckles

 Decided to change my plans from the rings, and instead make brass knuckles. They weren't crazy difficult to model, but I did struggle to get the alignment mathematically even. Overall I'm excited to see the finished result and they were solid jump into understanding the modeling process.

Failed Rings

 My first solo ring designs outside of the tutorials were giving me lots of struggles while trying to print. I attempted about 2-3 times and couldn't seem to get them to print.

3D Printing/Modeling #1: 3D Printing Trend Reports

 3D printing is something I have spent very little time with and the idea of it is very unfamiliar to me, but I do have a keen interest in learning how it works and how to operate the medium. From the reading it seems like in todays world, 3D printing is needed in many different types of fields for work and could borderline be considered more than just a massive technological advancement, potentially even a necessity if it isn't considered one already. When looking at the main applications for 3D printing, I think considering my major is animation, prototyping would make the most sense. I could see animators using 3D printing to potentially layout different characters or settings for design and perspective reasons. The craziest thing I read while going through the article is the idea of food being 3D printed. I really do not understand how that works, and I am really curious if there are any effects in regards to taste. Same goes for biological printing and creating new cells, that...