
Showing posts from March, 2024

Final Project Progress: Printing Struggles

I did my first attempts tying to print Kendrick and did not have much success. I split him in half to print the top and bottom separate with plans of gluing him back together later. The lower half printed well, but it feels very light due to it printing at an infill of 30%. The top half was printed twice and both failed. First one just absolutely blew up, and the second one crapped out once it reached the shoulders.

Final Project Progress: Kendrick Fully Modeled

 I finished modeling Kendrick and I think he looks super dope. I was trialing and erroring many different designs and methods for how to handle his hair, but none seemed to look good. I was really hoping to avoid manually creating his hair using a bunch of tiny shapes, but I ran out of ideas so eventually I just had to send it. It took a really long time to carefully place and size each tiny sphere, but it looked really good once I finished, so I'm glad I did it that way. I love how he turned out and I'm excited to star printing.

Final Project Progress

I have began the modeling aspect of my final project, starting with Kendrick because he is the one I want to prioritize the most, and he seems like the most challenging. I am modeling based on Kendrick's outfit from the Big Steppas Tour where he's wearing primarily black with a white glove on his left hand. I found an image where he's mid action and bending his knees, so I am trying to mimic that. So far I think I am off to a good start, tinkercad isn't great for creating a human form, but I'm working with what I can. I am worried about how to do his hair though. 

Final Project Concept and Start of Progress

We have now moved onto working on our final project for the semester which is very open ended. We get to decide what we do and so I have picked to create models of some of my favorite artists. I think they would make cool pieces of decoration to put on my desk or in my studio. I've wanted to do this from when we first started printing stuff so I am excited to pursue it. I plan on printing Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, and Travis Scott; as seen in my concept art. I took reference from some of their coolest performance attire in my opinion.