
Showing posts from April, 2024

Final Project: Results

I have now fully completed my project. It took hours of painting, especially Kanye because his filament was black, so I had to so many layers of red to get it to look full and matte. I spent a lot of time on detailing and they both look exactly as I had imagined them to. I also threw on some mod podge to give them the full glossy look. I am super proud of what I created, I think they are at a decently professional standard. 

Final Project Progress: Printed

I have successfully managed to get my prints done and I am super pleased with the results. Kendrick was insanely difficult, but he eventually came out nicely at 70% infill with normal supports. I had to reprint his legs to match his upper bodies weight. It took me a solid 5 hours or so take off his supports, specifically on his hair which was grit, but I managed to do it with only some minor breakage. Luckily everything I broke off, I was able to replace with the bits from the previous Kendrick that printed. Kanye was an absolute charm, his upper and lower halves printed perfectly first try and their supports were pretty easy to remove. They also glued together nicely and I absolutely love how they look in their completed form minus being painted. 

Final Project Progress: Very Disappointed

  I walked into the lab after a print and was very excited to see kendricks head finally printed. I was then quickly disappointed to see his elbow was mildly messed up and I could've made it work, but I wanted him to be perfect so I decided to gun to print him again. I am also going to have to sacrifice Travis Scott to complete Kendrick and Kanye which is unfortunate, but I am in a crunch for time.

Final Project Progress: Printing Struggles

 I have been visiting the fab lab over and over again. It is very challenging to find an open printer, but every once in a while I get lucky. Each print takes anywhere from 3-9 hours and I've been playing with different levels of infill and supports. I think I am going to have to do normal supports which I have been hoping to avoid.

Final Project Progress: Kanye Model and More Failed Prints

I have now finished modeling Kanye. He was way easier than Kendrick due to his pose and the fact that he is wearing a mask. I also had a good understanding of how to model a human after doing Kendrick so I kind of just followed the same steps. He is very wide, but I think I captured Kanye's vibe very well.