Digital Media: Calligram Project
Dear Chris in 20 years,
I hope you are still alive and well. From a standpoint 20 years in your past you had many ambitious goals and dreams, and I hope after 20 years you have begun accomplishing those. Right now I’m still in school working towards a degree and honing to develop the skills necessary to find a place in the entertainment industry. If everything goes right and I theoretically went down the exact path I hope to take, then the 20 year-older version of me reading this would hopefully be living in a nice house on a beach somewhere while actively working on some type of film/movie or piece of media. I would hope at some point during your time in college you managed to secure a nice internship related to animation or film and by graduation you were able to use that, and your degree to get a decently paying job. At least enough to cover the cost of living and keep yourself afloat. With time that job spirals as you work your way up in the ranks and take up more respectable positions on respectable projects. Eventually reaching the overarching goal of pitching, getting approved, and producing your own animated TV show. You could then rely on the show for as long as it runs and hopefully get work voice acting for said show. It’s always been a dream of mine to have my own show so if you manage to do that within 20 years, then whatever you do after is up to you. Obviously the future I hope you managed to reach was primarily focused on success through the workforce, but I also hope you have lived a little bit. I have ambitions to go and see the world, specifically the tropical areas of the world. I hope you have made it out a few times and seen some cool places, and hopefully you weren’t alone. I hope you have a family by this time, but if not that's understandable. More importantly I hope you are still in communication with our closest friends. I’m sure a lot has changed; there were probably some losses, and probably many new members, but I hope the immediate family is overall doing well.
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